A Calling to Monastic Life
Wouldn't it be nice to be a monk?
Some think of the monastery as a place to escape the world. Monks don’t actually live a life of escape; they live a life of purpose different from the world, a corporate life where the community chooses to seek God daily together. This seeking God together is different from going it alone. It requires cooperation that takes the form of obedience, humility, charity towards all, listening to others, and yielding to the group.
Some think of the monastery as a place to escape the world. Monks don’t actually live a life of escape; they live a life of purpose different from the world, a corporate life where the community chooses to seek God daily together. This seeking God together is different from going it alone. It requires cooperation that takes the form of obedience, humility, charity towards all, listening to others, and yielding to the group.
Vocation: this experience gives us the courage to embark on a new life with God at its center, helping us to accept the inevitable sacrifices involved, and allowing us to yield control of life to God and others.
- Michael Casey, Strangers to the City |
What is a monastic calling?
Monastic calling is a vocation. Vocation is defined by Merriam-Webster as "a summons or strong inclination to a particular state or course of action, especially a divine call to the religious life. An entry into a religious order." As Benedictines, following the Rule of Saint Benedict, we understand this vocation to be a life of prayer in common and alone.
Monastic calling is a vocation. Vocation is defined by Merriam-Webster as "a summons or strong inclination to a particular state or course of action, especially a divine call to the religious life. An entry into a religious order." As Benedictines, following the Rule of Saint Benedict, we understand this vocation to be a life of prayer in common and alone.
Prayer is a cultivated state of life. It takes time. It takes attention. Most of all it takes consistency.
- Joan Chittister, The Breath of the Soul |
How do I know I am being called?
Each person is called in a unique way, but the way always involves prayer and listening. This process is called discernment. During this time of inquiry, we purposely fold in many opportunities for discernment as persons seek to determine whether God is calling them to Saint Brigid's Monastery.
Each person is called in a unique way, but the way always involves prayer and listening. This process is called discernment. During this time of inquiry, we purposely fold in many opportunities for discernment as persons seek to determine whether God is calling them to Saint Brigid's Monastery.
What, dear ones, is more delightful than this voice of God calling to us? See how God in Holy love shows us the way of life.
-Rule of St. Benedict |